Frequently Asked Questions

How do I purchase Zoomers merchandise?

Zoomers merchandise is available at your own expense at Instant Imprints. If you would like to purchase any merchandise, please fill out this order form and email it to OR call (506) 449-0750.


How do I know if a class is cancelled?

As a rule of thumb, if school is cancelled in your area, then Zoomers classes are also cancelled.

Usually, your leader will let you know in advance if an upcoming class is cancelled, and you will also receive and a reminder via email. Last-minute cancellations are sent via email as well.

Do I aways need to register for an upcoming session if I’ve already participated in one before?

Yes, after each 12-week session you must register again as a returning participant.


What if a participant says their health has changed?

Ask them to contact us to finish their registration. DO NOT have them sign the sheet unless they can agree to everything on the form. Participants also should not give you any medical or health information.

What if some participants do not attend that week?

If they miss pre-registration in person, then they need to contact us for their registration. The signature sheet will only be accepted until next Friday, and after that they have to reach out to us.

What if a participant wants to switch locations

These participants will have second priority, after the current participants. If someone wants to switch locations, ask them to contact us. Do not have them sign your sheet if they do not plan to attend your location in the spring.

What about waitlisted participants?

If you have a waitlist for your location, we will contact them before registration is open for new participants. The waitlists will have second priority, along with those who want to switch locations.