“No Leaders, No Zoomers.”

Want to become a “Zoomers in Balance” Exercise Leader?

Help your peers stay physically active in your community!


  • Receive FREE training to become a Zoomers in Balance leader.

  • Learn how to improve your mobility and reduce your risk of falling.

  • Help those in your community become physically active while socializing.

You may be eligible if you:

  • Are 50 years of age or older.

  • Can exercise independently.

  • Can commit to volunteering your time to lead at least two 12-week sessions per year.

  • “You benefit from [being a Zoomers leader] as much as the people participating in it do. So it's kind of one of those Win-Win situations where you're doing something that’s healthy for everyone.”

    Zoomers leader

  • “It's good to have peer leaders because the participants get to see different body shapes and sizes, and someone who has the same struggles as they do every day… I think they feel that personal connection.”

    Zoomers leader

  • “If somebody was thinking about volunteering to be a Zoomers leader, I would tell them definitely go for it. Because it's very fun and rewarding. It's a really great experience.”

    Zoomers leader

Interested in becoming a Zoomers in Balance leader? Fill out this Google Form and a staff member will be in contact with you soon!

Current Leaders

Stay connected with our private Zoomers Leader Facebook page – email contact@zoomersinfo.ca to be added to the page!